
Here are some fascinating facts about ten of the world's top motivational speakers:

1. Peter J. Daniels – Peter Daniels is an Australian motivational speaker. In his early years, he was challenged with illiteracy. He came from a family of 3rd generation welfare recipients. He failed at every single grade in school and had to work as a bricklayer. He was in deep debt at the age of 26.

2. Brian Tracy – He worked as a personal assistant to a wealthy man and learned all he knew today from his boss. He was once the chief executive office of a 100 million dollar company.

3. John C Maxwel is the son of a minister.

4. Les Brown – Before he became one of the world's respected inspirational speakers, Les Brown was a radio personality and was elected into the house of congress. He was also briefly married to famous award winning American singer, Gladys Knight.

5. Whitley James wrote and sang jingles.

6. Robert Schuller – He built the famous Crystal Cathedral without having a start up capital.

7. Hilary Hinton “Zig” Ziglar was a door to door salesman before he became a famous inspirational speaker.

8. Robert Kiyosaki – He started his business career bringing in nylon Velcro wallets into the country and built a business worth multi-million dollars but lost it all – no thanks to imitators – because he did not get his brand and product patented. Robert and his wife Kim Kiyosaki did not have a roof over their heads for several weeks and had to live in their car. When a very close friend of theirs realized their situation, she offered to give them a room in her basement. The Kiyosakis lived in the basement for a period of 9 months and 4 years later they became millionaires.

9. Joe Girard He was so good at selling that his teammates got him fired. He is also known as the best retail seller in the country.

10. Anthony Robbins – Like many inspirational speakers, Tony Robbins endured loads of hardships in his life especially when his mum divorced and remarried again…twice. He was diagnosed with a brain tumor, which resulted in an abnormal growth spurts which left him with unusually large feet and hands.

If you are thinking that you have it tough in your life, take a look at what some of these famous motivational speakers had to endure. Many of these speakers have penned down their experiences so that readers can learn from their motivational quotes and also do something about their life instead of complaining.

For example, Robert Kiyosaki lost all he had and had to live in somebody's basement! You can imagine the humungous blow his ego had to endure. Instead of whining and screaming blue murder, he was motivated to move on and he became a millionaire in just 4 years. Peter J. Daniels did not even know how to read until he was 21 years old!

Some people choose to learn from the life quotes of inspirational speakers who have gone through the same thing that they are going through instead of just ACCEPTING whatever life throws their way.


Source by Christopher Fitzpatrick