
Massive responsibility rests on the shoulders of every Praise and Worship leader across the globe because God's presence in a church meeting depends on it and the destinies of church members depends on it. If worship is done in such a way that God does not show up and minister in a meeting, someone on the brink of disaster or tragedy will leave church the same way they came and that becomes a missed opportunity for them to receive from God. It is time for us to get serious about this fundamental pillar of ministry in the house of The Lord. In order for the worship experience to be different, I think its time we did things differently.

I share ten reasons why you must do praise and worship the correct way.

1. Man was created for praise and worship not just for Sunday, but on a daily basis. The reason why a lot of people do not have a divine encounter when they worship on a Sunday morning is because they do not do it at home. Therefore they have not nurtured an intimate relationship with God even though they are good Christians.

2. Worship has more to do with the one who is giving it and his vertical relationship with the one who he is worshipping (Jehovah God).

3. Anyone can sing songs that talk about God, but it takes a special relationship with God to be able to access the presence of God through the medium of worship.

4. Sometimes you praise out of an overflow, but other times you may have to bring a sacrifice of praise. David says in Psalms: “I will bless the Lord at all times”! You don't have to feel like doing it when you begin, but if you begin, and you worship him with all your heart, God will come through for you.

5. God can accomplish more in the life of an individual who is connected during the time of worship than one who is connected and disassociated from what he is doing.

6. One doesn't need to have exceptional talent but a heart that loves God, a melody and a life that is surrendered to God. There is a cost to being a Praise and Worshipper in the house of God. You have to be separated from the world, totally devoted to your relationship with The Most High God

7. Ability can help you to sing but it is the anointing that gives you access into the presence of God. With so much emphasis on excellence and putting on a show, many do not get into the Holy of holies because they are busy showing each other how good they are. You cannot impress God with your skill; He is the one who gave it to you in the first place.

8. The key job of a praise and worship leader is to open the heavens, which is the reason why we gather, to have an encounter with our God. When He shows up He doesn't leave us the way He found us.

9. There are songs that encourage us to worship and songs that carry the presence of God. These are not the songs that you sing because they are in the “top 20”. They are God inspired songs, not your songs.

10. Miracles, signs and wonders begin to take place in an atmosphere that has been created by worship; therefore worship is not a warm up to the preaching. It is ministering to God and when God is ministered to He honours us with His presence

In conclusion, I urge you to be consistently constant in worship. Worship God in your homes, with friends, in you cell groups and soon it will become a powerful lifestyle and when you come together in church, what an awesome time it will be.


Source by Fitzgerald Mujuru