
Because man could not live alone in the garden of Eden, God decided that he was going to create a partner for him a suitable helper who the man named Eve. It was not possible by God's design for Adam to partner with the animals he looked after. It is amazing now that people do not give careful consideration to who they partner with in important ventures. It is important to partner with God in what He is doing because he establishes the kingdom of heaven on earth through partnerships. In business, marriage you cannot just partner with anyone. You need to partner with someone suitable without whose help you couldn't accomplish what you need to. Ten things will be at your disposal today after you read this article on Godly partnerships.

1. I know of a good number of people who are looking for someone with good qualities, track record, customers contacts yet they are bringing nothing to the table. Be the right kind of partner first. If you were somebody else would you want to partner with someone just like you?
2. A partnership does not complete you, it complements you. You must be a complete sole trader before you consider getting a partner to invest in your business. An invest does not invest into nothing, but something, an idea or a new venture that you started.
2. Partnerships are God's divine idea, today on earth He partners with men and women who are willing to execute kingdom business on his behalf until he comes
3. Partnerships take many different forms, they can be friendships, business partnerships, church partnering with a financial partner, boyfriend and girlfriend, husband and wife.
4. The company you work for is in partnership with many individuals like yourself to provide labour and creativity to fulfil the promises they make to their customers.
5. You must be more interested in adding value to others than just seeking to satisfy your own needs and wants.
6. Recognize, respect and value the input of others in the relationship. They are doing it for the greater good of the partnership.
7. Partnering with someone with whom you do not share common beliefs and convictions is a good recipe for a break up, dissolution and dispute.
8. As long as you live here on earth you cannot accomplish anything on your own, therefore you must partner with other human beings for the accomplishment of a business or any other kind of relationship based venture
9. Godly partnerships are based on the bible and prayer. You need to be a prayerful partner and you will avoid many pitfalls.
10. Partnerships must continue to serve the purpose and vision for which they were formed. Having multiple visions from different ones causes division.


Source by Fitzgerald Mujuru