
The Garrett Infinium is a pulse induction metal detector and is very different from the standard VLF machine that is more common and plentiful in this industry. It's unique feature is that it ignores most iron mineralization that it comes across. Just the fact that pulse induction has this ability already gets you ahead of the game when you are looking for gold nuggets.

A standard VLF (very low-frequency) detector even built for the goldfields can be very noisy in hot iron infested dirt even if it has an aggressive ground tracking circuits. When I started using the Infinium for hunting nuggets I noticed a huge difference in my ability to mentally handle detecting for longer times because my ears were not being bombarded by ground noise anymore through my headphones. Being able to detect longer also increased my odds of coming across some gold that my detector will sound off on.

I detected one day for 6 hours before I came across a 1/4 oz gold nugget. My body was tired as I hiked a couple miles while working the area over with my machine. But my ears and my mind were still holding up after hearing only a nice threshold tone that hardly ever wavered until it came across a piece of metal. That was refreshing as my switch to pulse induction seemed to be paying off.

My Infinium handled every bit of hot nasty iron infested ground mineralization that I came across. A VLF machine is so affected by these extreme minerals that you might not hear the nugget under the coil as it could just be ground noise or it could be a desirable target. It can be hard to discern with a lot of audio signals coming at you in the headphones. It can be done with many hours of practice, but a pulse induction detector cuts the learning curve time down a bit so you can concentrate on the terrain and looking for gold.

Equipped with mono coils the Infinium LS (land and sea) still handled the hot dirt very well and I rarely needed to take them off and switch back the DD coils that handle tough ground even better, but are a bit less sensitive to smaller gold nuggets. When I did use the DD coils it was for checking inside old mine shafts for ore veins or small pockets of gold left behind by the miners that actually dug the tunnels.

This machine is very powerful and has great depth on targets starting around one gram in size. Gold smaller than this is still detectable but depth is lost as the items are very small. My smallest piece of gold was.3 grams at 1.5 inches and another piece weighing.4 grams at 2 inches depth. As you see the Infinium will pick up tiny nuggets, however other manufacturers of metal detectors such as Minelab has some pulse induction machines that will pick up sub.1 gram pieces of gold and other low conductors. But you will pay $5000 for those machines. If you are on a budget this is the detector for you.

I paid around $1000 for my Garrett Infinium and I paid for it with gold nuggets from Northern California in 3 months with it. I would have to say that if I had to give a percentage on increasing my odds for finding these rare minerals in nature by switching to pulse induction and the Infinium in particular, then I say you have a 50%-70% increase in odds over a VLF machine in finding gold nuggets.

The Garrett Infinium is one bang for the buck while using it for electronic prospecting. Gold is usually found with a lot of iron near or around it in its matrix. Using this machine will help you find it easier in its alluvial and elluvial form and even if you come across it in its natural state such as in pocket or veins, this machine will sniff it out.


Source by Alan Mash