
There seems to be a general feeling that women are generally impressed by guys who drive expensive cars. Some guys even seem to believe that they have a better chance of scoring a date if they drive an exotic or expensive car.

Personally, I have NEVER thought to myself “Wow, that guy driving the 7-series must be loaded! Let me go get some of that!” The feelings I generally get when seeing a guy in a super expensive car such as a Lamborghini or Bentley run anywhere from apathy to envy to motivation. Let me explain further…

Apathy – Most of the time I could care less if a guy drives a $200,000 car. When I DO LOOK, it's to check out the car and not the guy. Personally, I find no glory in dating a guy driving an expensive car. I am extremely ambitious I would rather work hard enough in order to BUY a $200,000 car myself. What do you gain from sitting in the passenger seat of an expensive car? Absolutely nothing. I would rather be the owner of the car; that's where the real glory lies. Also, it makes no difference to me if another person can afford an expensive car; it doesn't affect me personally. I have no interest in being with someone for their wealth; I'd rather have my own wealth.

Envy – Seeing someone in a really nice car will sometimes bring out the green eyed monster in me. It can make me a just a bit sad seeing how someone else has so much while I don't… However, that's not a very healthy way of thinking because there will always be someone richer and wealthier… or prettier… or skinnier… or more successful… That's just the way of the world.

Motivation – Seeing someone in an expensive car like a Bentley mostly serves as motivation and inspiration. It reminds me of what is achievable in life if you work hard and never give up. If anything, it makes me want to work harder and not slack off so that one day I may achieve that level of wealth and success.

With all this talk about luxury cars, it's still important to keep in mind that it's important to live within your means. Dealerships such as GMC Dealer Columbus and Buick Dealer Columbus sell cars that are affordable and reliable. After all; it's not very impressive to drive an exotic car while living in a tiny apartment. Not to mention the fact that a car is a depreciating liability and not an asset.

In conclusion, there are many women out there who are impressed by the type of cars guys drive and are easily impressed by them. However, to me that is “broke thinking”. Why be content sitting in the passenger seat when you can be the driver and have the wealth and power for yourself? An exorbitantly expensive car doesn't make a guy more attractive to me; it only serves to make me want to compete with them and win. Since I am competitive, guys in expensive cars inspire me to become more successful in life… it serves as fuel to make me work even harder.

Trust me, when you are 90 years old and lying on your deathbed you do not want to think about your life and think “Wow, the highlight of my life was dating that guy in the Lamborghini”… Much better to be able to look back and think “What a great life I've had; I made millions of dollars, achieved things others can only dream about, owned and enjoyed the best exotic cars and luxury goods that money could buy and lived my life with no regrets… “

Read more my articles about luxury cars on prettymotors.com


Source by John Malkovitz