
With all the emerging technology surrounding digital video cameras today, it's easier than ever to get broadcast quality that matches your wallet. This is why the best video cameras may not be the most expensive ones on the market any longer. Some may feel there's a down side to way too many choices in video cameras. So many cameras on the market can also produce some terrible products, but the opportunities for quality are simply fantastic. With fast growing technology and falling prices, movie making is in range for just about anyone with a will to produce.

High Definition

Canon, Panasonic and Sony, are some well known names as the best video cameras. They are now offering high definition (HD) digital cameras for less than $600.00. This is amazing as it offers vast opportunities for beginning film makers to produce quality projects from the start. Some of the best reviews in this HD price category are the Cannon Vixia H620 and HF100. Both are reported to have excellent quality. The H620 is said to be more bulky, but having more memory, with the HF100 having high performance in a smaller package. Now, entry level video cameras are in easy to reach costs for the smallest budgets. HD cameras in this price range will definitely change the world of student short films, that's for sure. At least in production value, if not scripts.

Standard Fare Digital

In the $2,000.00 to $3,000.00 digital camera range where most of us go or are inspired to achieve, is normally where Canon, Sony and Panasonic hang out. These XL2 type cameras remain the mainstream, low cost, best video cameras for professionals. The drawback to these is with the demand for everything being in HD, you would have to upgrade to an HD version soon or have your tapes converted. Both solutions end up costing more money to achieve high definition. If HD isn't your high priority, then these are still great cameras for the price. Just make sure you are getting a 3-chip, mini DV video camera. Choose a camera that will give you full manual control which gives you creative flexibility, but automatic functions such as light balance come in handy for easy use.


Source by Serge Kasper