
Everyone loves movies, and agree or not, all of us have an aspiring director seeded within the deep reaches of our mind. Look how quickly this advancing technology has gripped us in its vices, and how every single one of us has at least some form of camera equipment in our households, mostly in the form of a camera smartphone. While most of us improvise to create a scene, or opportunistically wait for one to pop up, so that we can shoot it with our cameras, there is one place in our home that we can definitely decorate like a set piece to get that perfect ambience, enhancing our moments and increasing productivity. It's none other than the dining room.

While most of us might take dining room for granted, we don't realize the important role that it plays in our lives. In ancient times, Greeks used to have this concept of Hearth, a central pit of fire inside a home, where families would gather around to enjoy food, talk about their daily lives and have some happier moments. This even extended to the town centres of the ancient cities, where anyone could claim guest privileges to be treated well when they were travelling. Hearth was, in essence, the heart of every home. In modern times, however, the hearth has been replaced by kitchens, where we cook our food. But one thing that hasn't gone out of practice is our habit of congregating in one place to enjoy delicious meals and have a lively chatter. That responsibility now lies on the hefty shoulders of a dining room. And when it is equipped with the right settings, then it becomes the perfect place and, truly, the heart of every home.

A dining room needs a lot of set pieces, furniture like the dining table sets, dining room cabinets, curtains, and what not, which all have an important role in cohesively creating the perfect setting for your evening meal. You cannot leave a spot colourless, in the sense that nothing should feel out of place, or not in place. For when you eat in a place that feels awkward, you definitely won't enjoy your meals or your conversations.

So, what are the things that one can accommodate in their dining room? Let's take a look at a few basic ones first:

The Main Star – Dining Sets

This is precisely what will occupy the centre stage in your dining room. A sumptuous dining set, that takes care of your primary needs of eating, while also providing enough space for indulging in lip-smacking delicacies, all the while maintaining high levels of comfort, so that you don't get tired while eating, is the perfect thing that you can ask from your top-billing cast. Make sure that you know what you want, or else, the whole set will be ruined. There are various things that you can have in your dining set, all of which define the kind of aura that they will create in your dining room. This means that you can go for a formal setting and buy formal dining room furniture sets, that incorporate everything that you have always wanted in your dining room. Also, when it comes to tables, rectangular and round dining table sets are responsible for defining different types of settings. Rectangular sets ensure that your eating experience accommodates a lot of people, and are great for a formal setting, while round dining sets bring people close to each other, and are good for small, intimate settings. You can opt for decorations to go on the dining tables too, like little candelabras or single stand candle holders, or you can even aim for simple glass bowls filled with fresh fruits.

The Supporting Roles – Chairs

When it comes to a comfortable sitting experience while dining, chairs are the first thing that come to your mind. You just can't dismiss them, after all, they support your back and keep your body in proper posture to ensure that you don't fall down while eating. So, what makes a good chair? Ergonomics, of course! Depending on your body, a chair should be suitable to accommodate and support you in the right way, while also providing comfort, never shying away from it. It's always better to invest in a dining set which comes with chairs, for you will get a matching theme. But if you want something that is different, then you can get chairs separately. You will get two varieties, normal and upholstered chairs. Pick one which suits you and your wallet the best.

Setting up the Scenery

It's important to add other elements into the scene to give it a whole look. When the only things that are taking the stage are the dining table and chair set, then the void set up in the rest of the spaces of your dining room will start gnawing at you. Avoid this by placing curtains, carpets and simple decorative items that fill in that gap without disturbing anything at all. You can also add dining room cabinets, such as chest of drawers or kitchen cabinets that can keep your cutlery showcased and preserved in the best possible way. If you want to go that extra mile, install shelves on the walls to show off your china collection that you painstakingly amassed through the years of your life.

Set up the Lights!

It is important to make the lighting of the room portray the proper ambience, so that your mood isn't tarnished while you inhabit the dwelling that is your dining room. Keep the windows open, install proper lighting fixtures that light up the room in an even glow, so that darkness gets dispelled and you don't have to strain your eyes. Make sure that the light is diffuse, and not sharp to sting in your eyes. This will play a major role for whatever setting you recreate in your dining room.

It's a Jigsaw!

At the end of the day, if you feel that certain things should go one way, while others should go another, feel free to make these changes. After all, a dining room and Its furniture, just like every movie set piece, should properly reflect what you want it to portray, and nothing else. If you feel that it lacks some colours, go ahead and add some, or make sure that the upholstery items, and curtains, have certain shades that reflect your mood and brighten up your dwelling. It is important to mix and match here. You never know how certain pieces will fit well with each other.

And that's it! Your stage is set, and all you need now is a proper script to run the show. Dialogue depends on you after all, we just helped you in defining the right settings so that you can ease into the most important part of this room, dining, and the conversations that ensue with your loved ones. Bon Appetit!


Source by Suman S