
Google Chromebooks are small, extremely portable web-based netbooks, which run on the Chrome OS and incorporates the Chrome browser. As you have probably guessed, these handy devices feature “all things Google” and are manufactured with partnering companies such as Samsung and Acer for now. In addition to Android, the Chromebook is Google's move into the lucrative mobile computing marketplace.

The heart of the Chromebook is the Google designed operating system, based on the Chromium OS, which was an open-source project Google started in 2009. Its off-spring is called the Chrome OS, a Linux based system which is mainly dedicated to web applications and simple chores associated with surfing the net. Instead of a traditional desktop interface, the Chromebook has a browser and because these devices have a Solid State Drive boot times are really fast – under 10 seconds and instantly from sleep. There is also a media player and a simple file manager, along with Wi-Fi and 3G connections. These devices usually come with a full-size keyboard, 10 to 12 inch displays and weigh around 3 to 4 pounds.

Just think of the Chromebook as a mini-laptop, rather than a slate like device such as the iPad. The Chromebook has just about everything you would find on a laptop, except for an optical drive. It has USB ports, connections out such as HDMI or VGA, a touchpad, memory card readers and a webcam.

However, the most dominating feature of a Google Chromebook is something you can't see just by looking at the device. Actually, this feature is the main overriding reason why you should get one in the first place. So what's this important feature? Well, it has everything to do with online storage. What some idiot called “in the cloud” or “cloud computing” – an expression which sort of mystifies and confuses a simple process of storing your content on a remote third party online server. In the case here, your content is stored on Google controlled servers.

This is very logical since the Chromebook is a device designed for the web. Storing your content online means it's available at anytime, anywhere. Much like your web based email accounts such as Gmail. This also provides convenient backup and you really don't have to worry about downloading and storing material on your device – which can cause security issues if you're not careful. Which brings us to another reason to buy a Chromebook, but lets examine each of these reasons in detail.

1. Portability – The main reason one would get a Chromebook is portability. These devices are small and lightweight, you can tuck them under your arm or in your backpack and take them anywhere. They have long battery life (around 7 or 8 hours) so you can use them throughout the day. This device is designed for the person on the go or the student in the classroom.

2. Connectability – Above all else, the Chromebook is a Netbook – intended to keep you connected to the web at all times. With Wi-Fi and/or 3G you can stay in contact with friends, family and workmates around the clock. Be on the lookout for some Verizon deals which will give you 100MB of free 3G monthly access for up to 2 years.

3. Security – Another major reason to get a Chromebook has to do with increased security. This device was designed from the ground-up to be secure and has many security layers built-in such as data encryption, sandboxing and verified booting. Plus, all your content, photos, docs and settings are securely and safely stored online.

4. Ease Of Use – All the reasons above would be rather pointless, if your Chromebook wasn't easy to use. Booting up and logging on are very simple processes which anyone can do quickly. Storing your material online gives you great freedom and ease-of-mind. You can easily share your content with family and friends. Some Chromebooks have special custom web keys which makes surfing the web faster and easier. Some have displays which are 40% brighter and can be used outdoors, even in the sun.

5. Hey, It's Google – Regardless of your own view on Google, there's no disputing that they have earned a solid reputation for offering superior products and services over the years. The Chromebook is a Google branded product and you can bet the farm that they will be putting their vast resources into upgrading and improving this product going forward. One of the biggest benefits of having a web based product/service, you can easily upgrade and fine-tune it as you improve and develop it further. Keep in mind, this is a “work in process” and tomorrow's Chromebook will have countless more applications and products embedded in the device.

There you have it, five solid reasons to buy or get a Google Chromebook. If you're in the market for a netbook or mini-laptop, these are also reasons why you should give the Chromebook some consideration. Chances are great that you won't be disappointed or wasting your time, as the Chromebook does deliver the goods and then some.


Source by Titus Hoskins