
Macular degeneration AMD, also called as the age-related macular degeneration (AMD), is a chronic, painless and progressive eye disease that negatively affects the central part of the retina known as macula. The major cause of this disease is the deterioration of macula cone cells which finally lead to macular degeneration AMD. As soon as these cells get damaged, your ability to see things properly will be diminished. The objects that you were previously seeing clearly and precisely will be not so clear; one of the first signs are straight edges appearing wavy and eventually will often lead to a hole appearing in the centre of your vision. However, most people experience this problem in older age and that is why it is called age-related macular degeneration. However, there are two particular categories of this macula degeneration such as dry and wet.

Dry macular degeneration is the most common type and affects approximately 90% of sufferers. With this type of AMD the light sensitive cone receptor cells located in the centre of the macula gradually begin to break down which causes blurred central vision in the affected eye. As dry AMD worsens, a blurred spot in the central part of your vision may begin to appear and, over time, as less of the macula functions properly, a total loss off central vision will gradually set in. Usually, this macular degeneration AMD doesn't cause the total loss of vision but it could lead to the more severe condition if left untreated and if it is not monitored properly.

Wet AMD is the more severe type of AMD and is usually experienced by approximately 10% of sufferers. It is caused by the abnormal growth of new blood vessels behind the retina which start to grow under the macula. They often leak blood and other fluid as they tend to be very fragile and this raises the macular from its normal position within the eye. This very quickly causes damage to the macular which, in turn, causes vision loss at a very rapid pace. It is because of this that approximately 80% of people who are suffering from wet macular degeneration AMD will eventually experiencing blindness.

There are several treatments available now to help people protect themselves from AMD. One of the vital treatments is the New Focus spray which contains zeaxanthin and lutein. These are the two carotenoids found within the eye and are both essential elements to maintain the macular pigment density within the eye. This layer within the eye effectively protects the macular from damage and prevents macular cell damage within the eye. However, there are many other tablets and capsules available on the market that claim to be the best ones but using a sublingual spray to take zeaxanthin and lutein is 900 times more effective than pills, tablets and capsules It is also by far the fastest delivery mechanism available; delivering these two essential nutrients directly to the eyes where they are most needed in just a couple of minutes. Thus, people must consider buying only those products for this case that contain zeaxanthin and lutein and make sure that they contain meaningful amounts of zeaxanthin as this is the most expensive of the two ingredients and so many manufacturers only include token amounts so that they can list it as an ingredient on the label.

New Focus Sublingual Spray contains the following ingredients:

Active ingredients amount per ml: Lutein (10mg), L-Taurine (5mg), Zeaxanthin (2.5mg), Bilberry Extract (5mg) Ginkgo Biloba (1mg)

You can find more detailed information about this by visiting the website ethos.ag Finally, make sure to consult your qualified health care professional before using any kind of medicine or treatments.


Source by Malcom Harris