
Toy collecting has been a favorite pastime for many people. However, there are still a great deal of people that don't realize that those vintage Barbie dolls and model cars could be worth a pretty penny in a few years to come. If you are thinking of collecting toys whether for financial gain or just to recapture some of your childhood memories, consider these few tips below on how to get started.

Collect for the Love of It

A great rule of thumb for all toy collectors is to collect something that you love. You shouldn't simply check to see which toys will give you the most profit in the long run. You could be holding onto these toys for years before the value pays off, but collectors should really stick to things they love doing. So sit down and think about what type of toys you really enjoy and would love to collect.

Learn About it

While collecting what you love is the best choice, you should take the time to learn about the item you have chosen. There are plenty of websites, blogs, and forums that you can review to learn more about the type of toys you've chosen to collect. Finding out information from experienced collectors is the best way to determine if you've made the right choice in items to collect. Learn as much as you can so that you can apply it to your hobby.

Go to Trade Shows and Flea Markets

You don't have to only utilize the internet to begin collecting toys. Toy collecting can be a very fun social event. Get out to local flea markets and trade shows and experience the joy of collecting. See what others have, how they are marketing them, and even what they stand to make from their investments.

Don't Be Afraid to Ask

Another great tip when collecting toys is to not be afraid to ask questions. Whatever it is you want to know about a toy that you're interested in purchasing you should feel free to ask away. This is the only way you will learn about what best benefits you.

Don't Spend More Than You Can Afford

Never, never, never, go and spend money on a toy when you don't have the money to really afford it. Even though it might be a great deal, a one of a kind, or a once in a lifetime exchange, if it is going to put you in debt you should stay away from it. Keep in mind that the return on your investment is not going to happen overnight, it takes years and years of waiting and therefore you should make your purchasing decisions very wisely.

Take Care of Your Toys

The last bit of advice for those looking to become toy collectors is to take care of your toys. Toys need to be properly protected and stored in order to maintain their value. Be sure that you do your part to keep all the toys intact if you wish to get the best bang for your buck.


Source by Dave Simpson