
Will cell phones be the future of gaming?

On buses and trains and at the local Starbucks, more and more business people are staring at their cell phones. But they're not trying to close the latest deal! No, the new interest in cell phones is gaming, and everyone is swept up in this craze.

After the success of Atari in the 70's, arcades sprung up and gaming became seen as childish or nerdy. After years of continued growth, gaming is now even larger than the movie industry. But until recently, average people fell like they aren't interested in wasting their time and were embarrassed to admit they played. So what's changed this trend?

People are now surrounded by computers and technology. With the ubiquitous cell phone on every hip and in every purse, it is harder and harder to find a time to wind down during lunch and on break. With stress levels rising, it is more important to relieve this stress and come back to work productive and energized.

Not only do cell phones provide a way to play video games, but game makers have gone after business users, making games that are now shorter and can be played in short bursts, making them ideal for coffee breaks and lunches. A puzzle game can be a stimulating challenge that keeps the brain working. A board game can be a relaxing break that lets you rest your mind. And all of these games can be played in 5 minutes or less.

So the next time you stand around the water cooler, don't be surprised if idle banter and gossip is replaced with battle cries and victory cheers!


Source by Rose Basile