
The advantages of using a USB Microphone.

For a long time now technology has been advancing and this article will look into one of the advances from the audio world, the USB microphone.

Imagine how less complicated recording would be without lots of cables getting tangled behind your computer well there is a solution to this, a USB microphone.This kind of microphone uses one cable which plugs directly into a USB port and is the simple way to computer audio recording. They are usually compatible with both Mac and PCs and are perfect for vocal recording, instruments and podcasts. An advantage of using a microphone like this is that device drivers are unnecessary (in regards to professional microphones like the Editors Keys Studio Series range.), for your microphone to be up and running all that is needed is one USB cable, once the mic is plugged in, your computer should automatically recognise it as a new input device. Another advantage which can also link with the above to is the fact that they are easily transported and can be swapped in an instant which gives you longer recording time which is always a bonus and can be used on different laptops and your recordings can still be edited even when you are not on your own laptop. There are many different USB mics available. They range in shape, size, ability and features but all offer the same opportunities for its user. The higher end mics are more expensive but will obviously result in higher quality audio recordings and are usually used in studios whereas the less expensive mics will suit the needs of a casual user which may be using it for home recordings, anyone can use a USB mic the choice depends on what you will be using it for, whether it be an expensive or cheaper microphone the results will be of good quality. Its important to look for a good size diaphragm and response rate to ensure good quality recording.

Why buy one?

Well the main reason I would advise you to buy a USB microphone is the convenience. They are easy to connect, which means you can be up and ready for recording in a matter of minutes, which is what makes them so popular, these mics can be used with or without a mount which benefits the user such as a singer who also plays an instrument for example. A microphone with a mount means that the user is free to concentrate on recording without having to hold the microphone. Audio recording with USB microphones can be fun as well as for a professional use especially with the amounts of tools and software available. The choice of purchasing a USB microphone depends on what audio you are recording so the choice of size, quality and features is down entirely to the individual and their purpose. There are many USB microphones available now for audio recording so check out some reviews and buy yours today.


Source by Aimee O'Brien