
Games are at a totally new level! People have developed a lot of ways on how to be able to interact with their games themselves. We all can say thank you to the fast development of technology as a lot of things which seemed impossible in the past are now very easy to reach and do.

Game consoles before do not offer as much interaction from the players before. The only interaction possible to do was to hold the controller and react and play to what is there in the game. Simply sitting down and just playing the game with the controller was the only thing that you can do but nowadays, that is already considered as the most basic interaction with the game available. There are more ways as of now to play your favorite games with your game console.

With the Sony PlayStation console, they have released dance pads and even guitar looking controllers to play games in a different way. The dance pads are actually nice when it comes to putting exercise and playing a game at the same time. You are like dancing your way through the game. This way, you can get a good cardio workout without you even noticing it. If you are into driving games, playing those kinds of games with a real-looking steering wheel can be really thrilling as you feel like you are driving a real car! This way, you can actually start practicing how to drive in the real world. Just a few minor adjustments and you are good to go to a real driving test.

Studies have even proved that playing console games improve the eye and hand coordination. This skill is an important arsenal to have when you are planning to take on medical school in the future. Precision surgeries need people with good hand and eye coordination and the practice that you get from playing console games may as well helped you get that degree and become a good surgeon in the future.

However, even though there may be a lot of benefits from console gaming, we should still monitor the kind of games that we play as violence and even sex are starting to appear in games. These things are not that good to be exposed especially to young players who are not that mature yet. It is then our duty to control what games we play or our children play so they end up learning good things and not the other.


Source by Herb Leibacher