
For those who do not know it yet, supernetting is actually a type of internet protocol that is actually based on 2 or more networks through a CIDR prefix. CIDR, or Classless Inter-Domain Routing, is actually the protocol that allows the subnets to connect together to form a super network. In such a network, any other prefixes should not be in the same routing zone or path since it might cause conflicts within the system. In a nutshell, the process of netting the computers together is actually a strategy to prevent any fragmentation especially on the part of the IP addresses. It is actually a block of several subnetworks that are addressed together in a single subnet that is connected over a larger group of networks. A supernet provides a hierarchical sharing and allocation of the system through providing optimum control over the addresses of regional network providers. Such a process also helps in regional route connection through preventing aggression within connected hardware devices.

Using supernetting has a lot of benefits. One of its major benefits is that it allows conservation of addresses or address spaces. Since subnets always have subnet masks that hide the component networks, safety is also promoted within the network. Another benefit that is gained through it is that networks would become more efficient because memory storage is optimized and route information is also efficiently shared. Since the size of routing groups have been exponentially increasing in the internet, it is imperative that subnetworks should be used. Since subnet route aggregation is applied, several computers would be shared to smaller networks which then save the storage space for routing tables. The subnets would also receive lesser advertisements from other gateways. Another benefit is that complex groups would be able to isolate topology especially in terms of several routers. This would in turn provide a stable connection of the network by limiting routing traffic especially when a link fails to work.

In order for supernetting to work, it actually needs several routing protocols that actually act in CIDR. CIDR or Classless Inter Domain Routing is used as the chief protocol. Of course, there are other protocols that can be applied in making subnetworks including Routing Information Protocol or RIPv1 and Interior or Exterior Gateway Protocol. In using subnetworks, the best example would always be the large scale corporations that would want to instantaneously share data while at the same time provide a stable connection through the system. Subnets are best applied in companies that have over 150 services offered and connected to several branches within the system. Without route aggregation, the company would need to provide several accounts for over 150 routers over various branches with over a thousand networks. If the company suddenly decides to apply route aggregation, then they would be able to solve the provlem through several interconnection points. The company would also be able to monitor closely the activities that are applied by employees by simply checking on each individual's computer through the use of each distinct address.


Source by Julian S. Thornton