
The networking equipment industry is huge! There are so many router manufacturers using such a vast range of different default username and password combinations that it is simply is not practically possible for you to remember all of them. But then, you can hardly live without a ready guide as you'd always encounter a device that has a rather uncommon set of access credentials. You would either make some hurried calls to your other networking friends, try to key in different combinations hoping to strike gold, or refer to an article that enlists the username: password combinations for most frequently used networking equipment.

This article aims to introduce you to different popular routers with their default credentials so that you are never left looking for clues when doing your networking duties for your company. Before going further, it will make some sense to inform you that these are the default username and password combinations, the ones that will work when you are configuring a newly bought router, or working with one whose username and password have not been changed. Of course, you could reset the router yourself so that the default login credentials become activated.

D-Link is a big name in broadband router manufacturing industry, and most of the routers from D-Link have the admin:blank combination as default login. This is to say that you must key in ‘admin' (without the quotes) in the username field and leave the password field blank. Some D-Link routers have their default username as ‘user' whereas the password remains blank. 3Com is another reputed name in the router market, and you'll not have to travel far before encountering a network using 3Com routers. Some 3Com routers have a blank username and ‘admin' as password whereas some accept the inverse entries, that is ‘admin' as the username and a blank password, as was the case with D-Link routers.

Cisco is undoubtedly at the top of the food chain when it comes to anything pertaining to networking. Most Cisco routers have their default username of ‘cisco' as well as a default password of ‘cisco'. We repeat here, all usernames and passwords discussed here have got to be entered without the quote marks. Some Cisco routers have a blank username and a password of ‘san-fran'. Dell routers have a default username and password of ‘admin'. Linksys is a subsidiary of Cisco and a really well known manufacturer of networking equipment. Routers from Linksys are powering the networks of thousands of companies and offices all across the globe. The most common combinations of username and password for Linksys routers are Administrator:admin and admin:admin. The former of these two combinations works with routers that have their default IPs from the following –,, to Routers with a default IP of can have the second username: password combination as well, as can those with an IP of You will be able to manage decently well by memorizing the default login combinations for all the above mentioned routers.


Source by Mis Tic