
Here is what experts in woodwork tell us about the best wood routers in the market. If you are a novice, a new entrant in the field, or woodwork enthusiast, the following advice is for you. Read on what is in store for you.

Fixed base or Plunge router

Certain features of wood routers are most essential. You must know which router is best suited for your work and purpose. The first question you should answer is whether you need fixed base router or plunge base router. It is also possible to have both the routers combined in one. Even many professional woodworkers are opting for combo offer that combines both the routers.

It is very easy to change the clamps and convert the fixed base router into a plunge router. It will not take much time as the clamp system is very easy to detach. So, if you are looking for a versatile router, better opt for the one that combines the features of both.

Router bits

In addition, there are different types of bits that offer lots of choice for cutting the wood or hollowing the wood. You can use different bits as per your requirement. If you would like to know more about the bits and how each is different from one another, you can read the next article which is exclusively dedicated to the router bits.

Get a router bits set that has all the different bits that serve multiple purposes. It takes a only a few hours training to know how to use each bit perfectly.

Soft Start

Especially for a novice, it is advisable to have a router that has the exclusive feature called soft start. What is meant by soft start? It just means that the router starts softly and gains speed gradually. It does not jumpstart all of a sudden. This particular feature enables you to cut the wood precisely and you can easily avoid awkward cuts and wastage of wood. Moreover, you can reduce lots of torque.

Product reviews go a long way in helping the customer to come to a conclusion about a particular product or a service. It is not only important but also essential to go through several product reviews before you embark on buying one.

Constant Response Circuitry

This feature is very useful for the beginners in woodwork. You need not panic over the holes you are making are perfect or not. If you are using the routers for the first time and worried about the speed of the router, it is better opting for the router that has constant response circuitry. It keeps the router's speed at constant levels, thanks to the electronic system.

Rugged Design

Don't be worried about the appearance of the router. What you require is the tool that stands heavy duty. At times, you would be using the router for longer periods of time. So a router with rugged design is preferable to the other elegant looking routers. A tough tool that stands heavy work is the best one for the beginners. It does not develop any problem immediately even if you use it in a rough way.

See more at http://woodroutercenter.com


Source by Muhammad M Javed