GigaMAN service allows clients and customers to take complete advantage of high bandwidth investment in the Ethernet. Gigaman's Ethernet transport service offers fiber-based connection between Ethernet switches and Routers. Customers can make the most of enterprise Local Area Network speeds while data is transmitted between sites. This service is able to transmit data across networks allowing you to send out large files without reducing network performance. You also do not to buy the equipment needed to convert traffic to Wide Area Network protocol. AT&T connects on hand Ethernet gigabit switches with single-mode fibers. They also install the specialized fiber equipment for the network terminating equipment. GigaMAN service implements solutions that are able to meet present needs and tomorrow's possibilities.

The solutions provided by GigaMan Ethernet are very ideal for most businesses and educational institutions. It is also useful in organizations that require huge connectivity and networking. GigaMan solutions are excellent for any business with multiple locations within a common regional area. The traditional T1 bandwidth solution is just not enough for larger business organizations. GigaMan service offers consumers more cost effectiveness with more intensive transmissions of data and connectivity. It is very efficient for users. High-speed data transmissions important for critical business applications are considered resolved with GigaMAN so you really can take great advantage of them. Get access to very fast Internet connections as a clear edge in GigaMan solutions.

With Gigaman's Ethernet Internet solution, you also achieve cost effective solutions. Not only can you link your network through a familiar system and technology in the Internet, but you can also expand your network to keep up with the competitive bandwidth requirements of your company. There are actually several benefits involved including-providing secure transmission in your network for added security and expanding your network in order to meet augments in bandwidth requirements, which proved to be economical. You also do not need to buy the equipment for converting traffic to WAN. There are three optimum diversity route options; inter-wire center, alternate wire center, and loop diversities. This mechanism offers more assurance in your security. Lastly, GigaMAN circuit can be extended for greater flexibility with the single mode fiber.

GigaMan is one of the most reliable fast networking solutions accessible in the market of modern networking solutions today. The high-speed connectivity in the Internet is capable of achieving data transmission speeds up to 1.0 gigabits per second, which is at least twenty-two times faster than the DS3 service, and over a sophisticated fiber optic network; truly an innovation. Businesses with on hand operating network systems are bailed from incurring additional expenses, only made possible with implementation of GigaMan solutions. GigaMan is very compatible with many network configurations. They can also be plugged with existing gigabit switch and/or router directly for immediate access to many GigaMan services.

A lot of networking solutions within the same regional area are constrained by physical scope of limitations. But GigaMan solutions can create direct and very reliable connections between disbanded locations. For this reason, GigaMan is the excellent solution for industries that require high levels of capacity, communication and connectivity requirements between locations.

Source by Chad Daniel