
Lexmark is one of the leading printer manufacturers of today. It was first formed in 1991 after IBM parted with its printer division and assigned it to another firm instead. The company became a public firm in 1995, and since then has been working only under its actual name. Within a span of a couple of decades, the firm has found its foothold in almost every part of the world, and is widely also regarded several times as an industry innovator by other firms.

There are a number of products that the company presently manufactures, however printers continue to be the most popular ones among all of them. At present, its prime focus is only upon Laser-jet printers, after it stopped manufacturing Desk-jet ones in 2012. This has also given the entity an expertise over such type of printers, which simply exhibit sophistication. One can find several designs and sizes of Laser-jet printers that are being manufactured by the firm, each of which are unique in their own way.

However, one can also come across some kind of issue with these amazing devices, which makes them seek for Lexmark Printer support from the company. These issues could be of multiple kinds, and so the procedure to have a look at them could be a lot different from one another. The company too provides prompt response to anyone who seeks its assistance with just about every kind of hardware or software issue, provided the warranty on the printer stands valid and also it has not been tampered with at all.

The most common issues for which people seek Lexmark Printer help include:

  • Issues with Corrupt Printer Drivers
  • Faulty/Empty Cartridge
  • Issues with printer cable or power cable
  • Frequent Paper jamming issues
  • Issues with quality of paper used
  • Any other issue due to some recent change in printer settings

Lexmark offers its support for Lexmark Printer troubleshooting in three forms – over the phone, over the internet and also support in-person. However once the warranty period on a printer ends, the only official support service that is left available for use to all customers is the online support, which though is completely equipped with all aspects of printer support, they can prove to be too complex to understand to those who do not have any technical background. If the need for using printer for someone is quite critical, the entire situation could become even trickier.

In such a situation, you as a customer can avail expertise from someone who has ample amount of hands-on experience with all kinds of printers. Such a technician usually would ask for a good fee however his support would guarantee you for a sure shot resolution. No matter if you are in the need of hardware or software support, you can always expect the resolution for it from him.

If you are short on budget or are not comfortable in calling some unknown person to your home or office, you can avail service from any of the numerous on-call technical support providers. Several such firms exist today, which work independently of the official support from Lexmark, but still claim to provide same level of support. It is always essential to first verify such claim of theirs before availing their services.

There are a number of ways to carry out this analysis. The first way is by reading online forums and blogs, which can give ample amount of information about their services. These forums and blogs would be written by former customers, and it's likely that you may find some reviews written for your chosen support firm too. The second way is by trying to avail the services of the firm, and if they ask for a fee without even analyzing your issue, it would be better that you back away then and there. Also compare package fee for a couple of firms before choosing the final one for you.


Source by Robert Dev