
Many people who own digital cameras are choosing to do their photo printing at home instead of having their photographs professionally printed. By using printers connected to their computers or portable photo printers, digital camera users are able to print their own quality pictures. However, for various reasons, some people still prefer to have their pictures developed by a professional.

Some people simply like taking pictures. They are not interested in printers that make it possible for them to print pictures at their leisure. They do not care to shop around for photo paper with different finishes. They just want to enjoy their pictures without dealing with any equipment other than their cameras.

When having photos printed professionally, people don't have to concern themselves with the supplies or equipment needed to produce their pictures, such as photograph paper, ink, or printers. Although digital photo printing at home is convenient, photographers must maintain their photo paper and ink supply. Additionally, when people print their photos at home, they must make sure that their equipment is ready for printing. For instance, the heads may have to be cleaned several times on a portable printer before clear pictures can be printed. However, when having photos professionally printed, it's the company's responsibility to maintain the inventory and equipment.

Professional photo printing services offer a variety of photo finishes and sizes. However, people printing their pictures at home may be limited by paper and printer compatibility, as well as the size of the photos that can be printed on their home printer or portable printer. Although a personal computer printer may be able to print large size photos, most portable printers produce pictures 4″ x 6″ and smaller.

Another benefit of having pictures professionally processed is the company's quality guarantee. Most photo processing services don't expect customers to pay for substandard photographs. If they print photos that are unsatisfactory, most will offer to reprint them or not charge their customers for them. However, if a person prints a poor batch of pictures at home, he or she cannot be reimbursed for the ink or paper used to produce them.

Despite having to pay for ink and photo paper, many digital camera users who print their pictures at home instead of using a professional seem to save money. However, photographers who want professional prints and desire to save money can find online photo processing services who charge less per picture than local photo printers. By uploading their images to company websites, digital camera users can have professional pictures printed and mailed to them in a few days for a reasonable price.

Regardless of the technology that makes photos printed at home look professional, some people aren't interested in investing in the equipment or learning to use it. Although printing pictures at home is convenient for some people, buying the supplies and maintaining the equipment is inconvenient for others. Consequently, many photographers would rather turn to a professional for their photo printing needs.


Source by Rakesh Bera