
It's an age old question in just about any industry: When is it time to purchase new equipment? It's no different in the mailing industry. An old inkjet system or other mailing equipment becomes outdated, the manufacturer stops supporting it, and parts become almost impossible to find. Is it time to upgrade… spending money you might not have, in hopes of making more? What about buying a used inkjet system or used mailing equipment? Sure, you save money, but won't you end up inheriting the same problem within a very short time?

But can you really afford to wait? What happens if something breaks in the middle of a job, and is unfixable? What about the changes happening in the mailing industry–will you be ready for the next one? Here are some questions you should be asking yourself about your used inkjet system and used mailing equipment:

  • Can you print the IMB easily?
  • Can you run under a current version of Windows?
  • Can you run under a new PC?
  • If there is a board failure, are the boards still being provided?
  • Can you print the new Intelligent Mail Package Barcode?
  • For HP Systems, can you use some of the new inks available in the market, which can dry on UV and plastic?

If you answered “no” to any of these, you might be just waiting for the clock to run out. And what then?

How about a “bolt-on” system? You could upgrade to a new system on your existing transport base. You can add such a system to a variety of units including Buskro, Kirk Rudy, Videojet, MCS, and others. A new bolt-on system would probably exceed your older mailing equipment in speed, quality, and features… yet it costs a lot less than a whole new system with a new transport base, and you don't run the same risks you would when buying used inkjet systems or used mailing equipment.

You can find several inkjet system technologies to support bolt-on systems, including:

XiJet Lexmark Bolt-on Kit: The XiJet Lexmark uses Lexmark printing technology, allowing you to attain significantly higher speeds, with coupled with high quality. Inks are available for aqueous and other glossy stocks, as well as multiple colors. Increase your speeds to well over 20,000 pph, without sacrificing quality.

XiJet HP Systems: If you prefer HP technology, we offer the same XiJet platform as the Lexmark, with HP printing technology. A programmable encoder setting allows us to “dial in” the system for maximum quality and the software interface runs under Windows 7 & 8, with features that include PDF Ripping, PDF Proofs, and enhanced barcodes. Also included with this system is the ability to set cartridge profiles, which are settings for temperature, voltage, and firing frequency. This lets you use some of the newest “aggressive” inks from companies like Collins Ink.

The Buskro Atom: Are your volumes high? Would you like the option of using UV Ink or Solvent ink, to dry on virtually ANY material? And is cartridge ink too expensive for your volume? The Buskro Atom is a commercial printhead, with a low price tag. It offers the ability to address mail, print graphics, and will work with an “off the shelf” PC. Commercial printheads offer many advantages, and at the right volumes, the ink savings can be hundreds (or even thousands) of dollars per month.

Bolt-on inkjet systems are perfect for those crossroads when you're ready for an upgrade but can't quite commit to a new system. They're a great alternative to used mailing equipment, because the inkjet system itself is actually new–it's just being mounted to a used base… one you already own and won't have to pay extra for.

To find out more about bolt-on systems, contact your vendor.


Source by Rick K.