
Exams can be extremely stressful, particularly when they're crucial to your college career. Fortunately, steps can be taken to prepare yourself in advance, so you can don't have to stress so much during your exams. The following tips are designed to help you prepare for a crucial exam.

• Prepare ahead of time. Look over your notes frequently, so you don't have to cram a whole semester's worth of information into your head at the last minute. This will help familiarize you with the terms and boost your confidence by being prepared for the exam ahead of time.

• Take notes. Everybody has their own way of taking notes, so it's advisable that you do this on your own, rather than borrow somebody else's notes. Writing down your own notes helps you memorize the material being studied.

• Use tools to review for your test. Highlighters were invented for the purpose of being study aids; going through your notes or textbook and highlighting all the material relevant to the exam can not only help ingrain the material into your brain, but also makes it easier to find later when you go back to study. For things like numbers or mathematical equations, mnemonics may be used.

• Join a study group. This is an excellent way to exchange ideas with fellow students. Joining a study group can help improve your memory, as well as lighten your burden since you have other people there to help.

• Relax. A few days before your crucial exam, try to relax. Take a break from all the studying and go out with your friends, or play a video game in order to relieve some of your stress. This will clear your mind, so it's not a jumbled mess when the morning of your exams arrive.

• Eat and Sleep Properly. A responsible student never goes out and parties all night right before a big exam. Eating well helps nourish your brain, allowing you to really focus on your studies. Sleep helps your body relax, as well as clear your mind. Although it may seem tempting to pull an all-nighter the night before a big exam, you will be doing yourself a favor by getting a good night's sleep. If you're exhausted during the exam, you will have a harder time focusing on the questions, never mind composing accurate, legitimate answers.

When preparing for an exam, it's important that you make an effort to do well. Don't slack off or be lazy. Success requires a good amount of hard work, discipline and determination. If you really apply yourself and do your absolute best, then there is no need to worry about failure. Nobody enjoys taking exams, but they are designed for a purpose- to test your skill level. As long as your try your hardest, study, and take care of yourself so you're in good physical and mental health, then you should have no trouble passing even the most difficult exam in your field of study.


Source by Jessie Teh