
As of January 2010 then were 17,210 businesses in the Bristol area and 8,740 businesses in Bath. The Southwest as a whole will be hit hard with the huge expected cuts in Government funding and public sector cuts. This will have a huge knock on effect to local businesses in Bath and Bristol. In fact only 50% of business respondents to the Michel Mores 36th Western Morning News Business Barometer are confident about the year ahead for the South West region, compared to just over 80 per cent in the previous barometer, in March.

If you have a business in Bristol or Bath, chances are you have a website. But how is that website performing for you? Are you getting any local or national sales or traffic from your site? A lot of business owners mistakenly think that having a website will automatically increase their business traffic and sales. Unfortunately, it is not that easy. Your website is in competition with all the other websites targeting the Bristol and Bath area. You have got to use the right tools to get it ranked in the search engines for specific Bristol and Bath terms. That is why local SEO is so important to your business if you want to attract customers both from Bristol and Bath as well as nationally.

Times have changed. The Internet has made it possible for anyone to jump online and do research before they decide to purchase a product. People no longer drive from store to store to comparison shop. They now go from website to website to search for the best selections and the best deals. If you want to reach these customers, then you need to have your website appear whenever they type in a specific search term.

Local SEO experts can help get your site to the front page. SEO stands for search engine optimisation. This is a process that uses various methods to get your site to rank on the first page of the major search engines. The first page results get major amounts of traffic. So more traffic to your website equals more sales for you.

You may think that hiring a Bristol or Bath SEO expert may be too expensive. The truth is, you can't afford not to hire one. What if you have six Bristol or Bath competitors for your business? Now let's say these six businesses use SEO experts to get their websites to the top of the search engines. Local customers type in what they are looking for and your competitors' sites pop up. Who do you think is going to get the business? In today's economy, you simply cannot afford to lose business.

Bristol City Council and Bath and North East Somerset Council along with the local Primary Care Trusts are facing large cuts and will be restructuring to reduce their work force. This could impact heavily on both the neighbouring cities due to a rise in unemployment, resulting in less disposable income being circulated in the system. If you want your business to survive, you have got to realize how important local Bath and Bristol SEO really is. You never want to fall behind when it comes to your competition. Get your website optimized for Bristol and Bath related keywords for your business and start enjoying the benefits of SEO.


Source by Jason A Brown