
Many external hard drives these days have enough storage capacity that most people wouldn't think twice about making it their primary storage. After all, it has enough capacity for all you files and documents and is extremely portable so you can throw it in your laptop bag if you need to. But like most gadgets, hard drives are still prone to failure and sooner or later you will need to do some external recovery to salvage the files in that drive.

I can't read the files on my drive, help!

Calm down friend, there is still hope. If you are like many folks and just drag files to copy them, chances are there are copies of the files still living in your computer. Try doing a search there as well as in your Recycle Bin to recover some external files left in it. Look in your mail program too and your online storage sites like Google Docs, Box.net and Microsoft SkyDrive. There might be copies lurking in those places as well.

If your hard drive is conking out, some IT specialists swear to be able to squeeze some life back from failing drives by putting the double-bagged drive in the freezer overnight to prep the external data for recovery. Others swear by flipping it over to get some more juice out of a dying drive.

It's no use, nothing seems to be helping…

Don't look so glum. You still haven't tried using data recovery software. If you really can't find your files or if you need to restore your entire external hard drive, you certainly need this type of program. It is the only way to save files that have been permanently deleted or lost. From retrieving your work-related external hard drive data to saving your personal files, data recovery tools will help you get files back easily and with less hassle.

Before disaster strikes, better get one of these data recovery applications now since you can lose the data for good. At any time the files can be overwritten or lost without you even knowing it. Recover your data today with the best recovery software available.


Source by Jim Marshall