
If you are looking for the latest generation in LCD TVs you might be interested in the newest 3D TVs. Someday you might be able to watch your 3D TV the way you watch your TV now, but for now, you will need to also wear special glasses to view the 3D effects.

Animated 3D movies have been around for a while now because they are the easiest to make, but the technology to bring 3D into your home is still recent. If you are concerned about the shows you enjoy watching now, do not be. A 3D television will still allow you to watch all of your favorite 2D programming.

If you enjoy watching 3D in the theater, you will be more than happy to bring it home. Throughout 2010 there will be more LCD TVs released that will be ready for 3D viewing. Buying now will enable you to be ready when 3D entertainment has become a way of life. Eventually, everything from Blu-Ray players to gaming consoles will be available in 3D.

To watch 3D TV at home, you should plan to purchase a 3D ready television and active shutter glasses. Keep in mind that not all of the new televisions will include these special glasses; you may need to purchase them separately so be sure to ask the salesperson. New developments are being made all the time so if you are concerned, as some are, because you already wear glasses, there may a solution for you soon.

Ultimately, this 3D technology will be available on every make, model and size television you might want. You will be able to buy a 65 inch LED flat screen or one of the many other LCD TVs and enjoy a 1080p resolution, all in 3D, when these services are available as part of the cable or satellite programming. Right now these televisions are pricey, but as they become more popular their prices will come down making these TVs more affordable for everyone.

If you are interested in 3D television but do not know where to start, you will be interested in knowing that some makers have been introducing starter kits that include a HD Blu-Ray Player, a 3D movie and active glasses with the purchase qualifying 3D televisions. Television makers have been hoping to grab hold of the consumer's interest in a whole package deal that has an attractive price tag.

Right now, 3D television is not selling at the rate that was predicted. This is likely due to the current slump in the economy. Most 3D televisions are Internet ready so you can enjoy streaming movies and more directly to your television.

This has been an exciting time for 3D TVs. During the next ten years, there will be more programs available and more televisions that will be 3D. Prices will come down so that more people will be able to afford 3D performances at home. Rumor has it that it will be without the need for shutter glasses.


Source by Julian Dalton