
Your smart TV is on its last legs and the time has come to buy another. This seems like an easy decision, but TV buying can be a very complicated task. You need to arm yourself with information before ever setting foot inside a television showroom. You need to have a smart TV buying guide for you to make the right choice.

Buying a television is something that you will not likely do very often. When you do decide to make this kind of purchase you need to go into it prepared with the knowledge of what you want. There are several sets to pick from with each one offering different size, style, and features. The possibilities may leave you feeling confused.

You might want a high-definition television that will give the kind of crystal clear picture that makes you feel as if you are there. Another option may be a TV that can offer you a theater sized screen with surround sound. This is ideal for those of you who like to watch a lot of movies.

Making a decision

The best way to choose the kind of television that you want is first to sort through your options. If you know what you need and what you want, then you will be able to pick out your television in no time.


The most important thing you need to consider is what size of television you need. Measure the area you are placing the television before you go to the store. You don't want to come home with a TV that is too big.

Consider high definition

With the recent switch to high-definition TV, you may want to get a high def set. You can go for analog if you can find one, and it will work as long as you have satellite or cable. It's better just to get a high definition television. Besides, the picture on high def TVs is amazing.

You need to know what signal you have

Whether you have cable television or satellite TV, you will need to have that information available. Each set has a different method of input and knowing the type of system you have will help you pick one that is compatible. If you have your heart set on a TV that is not going to fit with your home system, you may be able to find some adapter to make it fit. It is likely that if you are purchasing one of the newer sets, you won't need to worry about the input, as they are universal.

Know the viewing range

This is the length that you will be from the set. If you are getting a television that has a high def or extra large screen, you will want to make sure you are farther from the TV. Sitting too close will likely hurt your eyes after only a short viewing time.

Type of screen

There are plasma screens and high definition screens. If you speak with a representative at the store they can help you in choosing the right screen for you. Some things that will be considered are the size of your room, your viewing range, and the signal set up that you have at home.


Selecting out a new television should be a fun and exciting experience instead of a difficult one. If you go to the store armed with the right information, it is likely that the sales representative can help you in making the right choice, and most stores will even offer free set up of your new television. All just to make TV buying a comfortable experience. It will all be worth it when you are at home watching your fantastic television.


Source by Witoon Aran