
Internet speed plays a huge role in your browsing experience on the web and whether you are using the internet connection for your personal needs or for business needs, you definitely want to have a smooth and pleasant experience every time. Nothing is more frustrating than page loadings that take forever to finish or buffering that won't let you watch your favorite movie or music video smoothly. As a business, you cannot afford to have slow speeds if you want to have highest productivity at the end of the day. It makes it very important to choose an internet provider who is trustworthy in reception and internet speeds. There are so many areas that slow speeds can drastically affect and they include the following:

Downloading – The internet speed you currently have will determine how quick you get to download visual and audio files, software updates as well as programs. They are all very important to internet users and as an internet user, you deserve nothing short of downloads that are easy and fast.

Uploading – Similar to downloading, when uploading files, whether they are visual or audio, videos and photos, your internet speed will determine how swift the process is made for you. They can also affect compression and resolution making high speeds very important. Delays will cost you time and if you run a business you know how precious time can be in hitting your daily targets.

Streaming – This is another area that can be frustrated by low internet speeds. To stream audio files and videos smoothly and without the annoying buffering issues that many people face, then you would need to ensure that you have high speeds. It really gets frustrating when a file load stops halfway and seems to be stuck there forcing you to restart the entire thread.

Browsing – When browsing web pages, it is the dream of every internet user to enjoy fast page loads and experience fewer or no screen freezes. Good high internet speeds should not interfere with how long it takes to load pages regardless of how many tabs or windows are open. As a user you should not be forced to close some of your important tabs in an effort to speed up the internet.

Telephone access – Modern technological developments have made it possible to make phone calls right from your computer without needing phone lines. The internet speed you are running on however, determines how smooth the calls are. You therefore want to have higher speeds, especially if the calls you make are business related making them important for your business and your customers or clients alike.

The advantages of high internet speeds cannot be ignored from a personal level to a business level. You might need to be willing to pay a little higher to enjoy faster speeds, but it makes it all worth it at the end of the day because you will not be frustrated when getting things done on the internet at home or at work.


Source by Jovia D'Souza