
Computer threats are becoming an issue of concern for many internet users. Though this is not a new development, the quantity and the extent of the damage has increased considerably. There are various ways in which computer threats turn out to be harmful for the user. Some times they come in the form of Trojans and malware while sometimes they just try to fool the user into doing something silly thereby resulting in losses of all kind. As far as kids are concerned, there is always the risk of kids watching mature content due to the extensive adult material available online. In this article we will discuss some of these threats and how the user can tackle these threats effectively.

One of the major threats is from viruses and malware that are capable of getting access to the activities on your PC, like the keystrokes pattern, capability to capture snapshots of the web pages where you enter private and confidential data. This data can later be used by cybercriminals to access bank accounts and social networking sites.

Another type of threat is from phishing emails and spam emails which basically tend to misguide the user into committing a mistake, resulting in loss of data. Phishing emails are common in case of cybercrimes related to banks and spam emails are common in case of auto generated emails sent from certain websites.

Finally, one of the oldest forms of threat comes from hackers, who use the weakness in your network or PC, to access the data in it.

These threats can be avoided to some extent by using a good antivirus software. However, it is always better to be safer by keeping all your software updated, including the antivirus software. Regularly installing security patches can also help in preventing threats from affecting your PC.


Source by Susan George