Congratulations are in order!…if you are looking at online backup this deeply, you are in the top 10% of computer users who are or soon will be backing up their data daily.

When you are deciding whether to go to the internet for your data backup and access needs it is wise to consider a range of options.

The services out there range from the super-simple to the over-complicated, but if you don't know which factors are key to consider it can be hard to decide which options will bring you the most value.

Online backup storage services are great at backing up data but they are not so good at communicating their value.

On paper, the expensive look very much like the very cheap, but there are important differences that you need to consider that will make your experience much better if you do.

Barebones services supply just backup and more expensive offer a lot of features that you won't find yourself using unless you do a lot of business remotely and and need to share file resources with others. And then, only if those files are large and can't be emailed.

Key differences in Mozy and Elephant Drive are:

1. Price – Mozy is cheaper

Mozy offers a plan for unlimited data protection that's designed for the home user at $4.95/month. Elephant on the other hand charges $9.99/month for 100 GB.

The only problem I have with services that charge a fixed amount by the GB is, you must know what you need…I have no idea how much back-upable data is on my PC and I don't really want to keep on top of that number.

2. File Sharing – Elephant Drive is the clear choice

Elephant has a basic platform for file sharing service, while Mozy stays away from anything other than storing data. If you find yourself needing to let others have access to your files, then this feature will come in very handy.

3. Remote Access – Elephant is the choice here, too

Elephant Drive gives you the ability to look at the files you have backed up from anywhere in the world – Mozy has this service through MozyPro, but not through the basic unlimited service.

Bottomline – Mozy is your choice if your needs are backup only.

Elephant Drive will allow you to view your files anywhere which can be a big advantage for some.

Source by Roger G Brown