
Even though you have put together a functional home office with all the equipment that makes you productive at home, there comes a time that, either by necessity or by desire, you want to roam around, yet still keep your office information available. Maybe you just want to hang out at the local coffee house, or maybe you need to visit a client's office. It could really be handy to have your home network information available to you always. We will talk about three such benefits that installing a simple VPN router provides for you in such situations. Besides having access to home office files, you will be able to: Stream videos and audios directly from your home network media storage, Keep your information safe and secure, and Connect several offices. Let's see how that works.

Stream videos from your home, also audio files

Sometimes it is just really impractical to keep duplicating your video and audio files to your laptop every time you leave your home, on an odd chance that you will need one or two of them. Instead, when you meet a client, just fire up a secure virtual private network connection through your simple VPN router to your home network, and stream video and audio of choice directly over the tunnel through the internet. Simple.

Keep your home office information safe and secure

Another advantage of not duplicating files from your home office network to your laptops and iPhones is added security. Thousands of laptops and iPhones are stolen every year world wide. They are some of the hottest items out there for the thieves! So why expose yourself to the threat of theft? And why should such threat keep you stranded at home? There is no need for that. A secure VPN router is all you need to keep your home office information safe and secure at all times.

Connecting several offices

When you are making a presentation in a client's office, or when you have grown your business such that you yourself have multiple branch offices, you can use a VPN router to connect several of the office networks into one. For instance, when you are at the client's office, you connect to your home office to get the documents over. From the same laptop you connect to your client's network to access the printer and print these documents out.

When you have multiple branch offices, you can connect the office networks together using the simple VPN router. Yet, using management functions, you will still be able to keep the networks separate, and only selectively allow “merging” of the networks on an “as needed” basis.


Source by Jason Stark