
A VPN or a virtual private network extends a particular private network across the public network and this includes the internet. It also enables the users to send as well as receive the data across the public networks and the shared networks. This is done as if they are computing devices and these devices are connected to the private network. A VPN is basically created by establishing a point to point connection by using various dedicated connections, traffic encryption and tunneling protocols. This is basically very much similar to the WAN that can also be called as a wide area network. You should follow these below tips to be a confident user of a VPN.

• Your firewall should be up and running

This can sound a bit difficult and trivial. However a firewall should be on and running every time and it doesn't matter whether you are using a VPN or not, the firewall must be up and running 24 hours a day.

• You must stay incognito

Many people these days always forget that their browser can give away a huge amount of personal information. This mostly happens when the user is not using an incognito or a secure mode while using the website. There are also some websites that inform the user to go incognito when it is not secure and you as a user must be due heed to it.

• Disable all the geo- location services

Many of us are using smartphones and tablets for everyday use like Facebook and YouTube. All those who essentially want to use all these devices have to watch out for all the geo- location services and

• Manage all your cookies

These days no one in his or her busy life pays any attention to cookies. However these cookies are almost everywhere and these cookies often try to improve the recurrent browsing of the web. These cookies can very well be transformed and modified into various tracking scripts and these can monitor your activity as well as the network information.

• The VPN over a TOR

TOR is probably a very big deal when this particular technology had come out and also a lot of us have used this TOR browser to use the Facebook at work. You can also rely on the TOR yourself. It is a very great and also an open source solution that is available for all the platforms. It is one of the important things to remember.


Source by Achal Mehrotra