
Each website requires web hosting to be up and running. Today's challenge is not finding a company to host your site, but choosing one than can do it well. When you purchase a hosting plan, your web host will offer a free control panel with your account. Most companies provide cPanel, one of the most popular and efficient control panels on the Internet.

This software helps you manage your web hosting account through a graphical web-based interface. The program allows users to perform a number of common operations, including the management of mail and FTP accounts, crontab tasks, and PGP keys. It includes several add-ons such as Fantastico, a bundle of scripts that automate the installation of multiple web applications like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, phpBB and others.

This simple control panel helps you manage your website and provides support to the most frequently used mail services such as POP3, IMAP, and SMTP. Even those with little or no technical knowledge can use cPanel easily. Some of its main features include website tools, database management tools, stats programs, backups, and advanced hosting tools. The biggest advantage of using cPanel is that it reduces all the necessary coded language needed to manage a server.

Users can easily update their preferences, settings, email addresses, domains, and security features. This control panel usually comes with video tutorials, which makes it easier for newbies to manage the different aspects of their web hosting accounts. When using cPanel, changes can be made according to your requirements. The program is compatible with Linux applications like RedHat, CetOS, Mandriva, and Fedora. Many users claim that this control panel increases the efficiency of their hosting activities.

The program enables users to edit web pages and add forums, polls, and discussion boards on their websites. With this software, you can easily create email addresses based on your domain names. It can also apply upgrades to PHP, MySQL, and Apache automatically. Users can install complex software and configurations, take regular backups of their database and code, and transfer their websites to another hosting company.

This easy-to-use control panel offers improved stability for your hosting operations. It also provides better separation of configuration data from services and better storage of account data. With cPanel, you have access to different tools for tracking the performance of your website and checking bandwidth usage. If your current web host offers a free version of cPanel, it's worthwhile to try it out before exploring other options.


Source by Teresa A Douglas