
Making money online just got a whole lot easier if you're blessed with the ‘gift-of-gab'. You can use this gift to help create a blog that others will find interesting and will want to return to and tell their friends about.

In case you don't know what a blog is, it is basically a way for you to talk to people you don't even know – yet. You can get one set up in a matter of minutes for a very minimum investment and use it to start making money online. You will need a domain name, which you can get at places like GoDaddy.com for about $8.00 per year. Make sure you choose a domain name that tells what your blog is about. If your blog is going to be about horses, get a domain with horses in the title, like MyHorseBlog. Always get the.com rather than any of the others like.net or.info as.com is still the most popular. You will then need a hosting site like BlueHost, for about $7 per month. And finally you will need a platform to build your blog on, which you can get for free. Probably the best and easiest one out there if you have any desires to make money with your blog is WordPress. There are 2 versions of WordPress. You get one at WordPress.com and the other you get at WordPress.org. The main difference is that WordPress.Org will allow you to use links on your site and.Com won't. Either one will install in about 5 minutes and you can be up and running without ANY programming or coding knowledge of any kind.

Now to actually start making money with your blog you'll need to get people to visit it and click on the offer links you have on it. But one of the nifty things about a blog is that the very first thing you must do to get traffic to your site is to write and post articles. The more articles you post, the more traffic you will get to your site. Of course the articles need to be informative and should be entertaining in order to get people to want to come back. But the most important things is that the articles need to be original. Never copy someone else's material. This is not only illegal and know as plagiarism, but readers will ignore you and your site. Even search engines will know that this is not original material and your site could be listed as unoriginal, which will hurt your ratings. So do it right and create your own articles. They don't have to be professional, just good grammar, spelling, punctuation and noteworthy.


Source by Donald N Tews