
Web development is technically advancing year after year. Many different platforms are available to develop websites. The latest and the popular one is responsive web designing. It is one of the biggest achievements in the web development field because responsive design is a web design that creates a flexible website. In short, it allows sites to react to the size of a user's screen.

After the welcome of smartphones and tablets, a great amount of online users have shifted to mobile browsing. Therefore, software engineers have introduced a responsive design platform that allows websites to adjust in all types of screen resolutions. Whether it is a mobile screen or a laptop screen, websites can easily adjust to every screen size to provide the best browsing experience. It was 2013 when responsive designing was introduced first. It has created a big revolution in the web world. Here are some great benefits of responsive web design to go through.

  • Supper Flexible: Sites with responsive design are very flexible as explained above. The content, images and even videos, loaded in a site can easily adjust to small screens of mobiles and tablets. The images and the grids of such sites are fluid. Just as liquid easily spreads out, the content of such sites also spread easily.
  • Reach to a Vast Range of Audiences: According to a survey, 40% of online users like to browse sites in their tablets or mobiles. It means if your site is not mobile friendly, you are losing a great deal of audiences. Capture them by considering responsive web design. It enhances the site traffic rate by increasing its visibility.
  • Enhancing Offline Browsing Experience: There is no cut in the screen size. It means all content is visible. The HTML5 offline browsing capability of responsive sites allows easy access in one go. Even in the absence of network, it is possible to move the browsed web page to get the best view of it.
  • No Need of Getting an Additional Mobile Friendly Site: It saves your money that you might plan to spend on creating an additional mobile friendly website. It is an old trend to own two types of websites, one for system browsing and another for mobile browsing. Your one site is enough to operate in both the platforms which is a great saving of money as well as time.
  • Valuable SEO Campaign: Maintaining a mobile friendly site and a desktop friendly site, means duplicate content which is hate by Google. Having one responsive site doesn't promote duplicate content. You can make your SEO campaign successful and effective with it. Google has given a green signal to such type of site creation.
  • Saving Cost and Time in Management of Your Site: It is natural that when you have one website, you can easily manage it. Saving of money as well as time can be possible. A single site management is not lengthy. You can find top quality assistance in website maintenance at an affordable price.

These are top benefits of responsive website designing.


Source by Ana Cardenas