
Social bookmarking is the in-thing current gaining popularity on the internet. It is the latest way of storing and sharing various bookmarks created by others with friends and acquaintances. The way id works is that people that discovers certain sites and love them can easily use any bookmarking service online to announce such sites to others in their online communities and this can be shared amongst them and others that are registered in the social bookmarking service.

Some had argued that social bookmarking isn't worth the time spent checking up the sites. But this set of people that argue this ways won't eliminate the fact that it provides a very easy avenue for one to share his or her favorite sites with others and also receive those shared by others. All you have to do is register and find a webpage or complete site that you feel may interest others and share the link. Once you shared the link to the site in any social bookmarking site, it would mean that you had successfully bookmarked such website for the public or selected few.

The importance of social bookmarking websites goes beyond mere ‘social' reasons. It is on of the ways one can use to generate some bit of traffic to his or her site because anyone is allowed to share any website including those owned by you. It is also a source of backlinks and you are advised to use the keywords in your site in describing it when adding it to any bookmark site. The search engines may also notice the keywords to your site when the link is properly placed in such social bookmarks and reward you accordingly. You can decide to boost the back link base of your site for search engine rankings purposes by simply adding such site to as many social bookmark sites as possible.

There are quite a lot of social bookmark site on the internet but the most popular ones are Digg.com, StumbleUpon.com, Propeller, Technorati etc… Many of them have similar modes of operations and as such anybody is simply required to sign in with a unique user name then start creating bookmarks. The signing and creating your first website bookmark would ordinarily take less than 5 minutes. Note that while submitting any site for bookmark, you would be required to give information regarding how you want the site to be viewed, the niche it belongs and other things like the keywords that would be used to get to it from searches and of course the title of the website being bookmarked.

For your efforts to be effective, you may opt to submit any of your WebPages as you update them. In fact, weekly submission of your site and that of others you found interesting is best for you. The more reason you have to keep submitting newer pages of site to the same social bookmarking sits is that your former submissions may have lost the search engine rankings they enjoyed so you need to keep up your effort to keep ranking.


Source by Mike Gate