
Your thoughts create your reality. How many times have you heard that? Today, more and more people are becoming aware of things like law of attraction and the power of the mind to manifest physical reality. And more and more people are also exploring their own manifesting ability. Yet not everybody gets the results they desire.

One reason for this is that successful, consistent manifestation requires that you keep your mind focused on what it is you actually want, rather than what you don't want. And this mental focus can be challenging for many, as most of us have minds that are all over the place, hopping randomly from thought to thought and resisting any serious attempt at prolonged focus.

In an effort to better learn to keep their thoughts and focus under control, a lot of people are turning to meditation, particularly brainwave entrainment meditation. This involves listening to the sounds of specific frequencies, which have been demonstrated to help the brain to relax deeply. In this state, conscious thought slows down, and the kind of one-pointed focus that's so powerful for manifestation becomes much easier.

While binaural beats are the most widely used type brainwave entrainment, isochronic tones are becoming increasingly popular. Let's take a look at some of the pros and cons of using isochronic recordings for manifestation.

Advantages of Isochronic Tones

Firstly, isochronic tones have been found by many people to be the most powerful sound-based brainwave entrainment method. Compared to binaural beats and monaural beats of similar frequencies, isochronic seem to entrain the brain more quickly and deeply. This is probably because isochronic beats are more clearly separated, thus making it easier for the brain to follow along.

Secondly, unlike binaural beats, isochronic tones don't require the use of headphones. This makes them great for anybody who has issues with using headphones for whatever reason, and more convenient too, as you can use them even if you don't have headphones handy.

Another advantage of isochronic tones for manifestation is that they can make manifesting much easier than using traditional techniques. Isochronic tones can be very specifically targeted, making it relatively easy to achieve a very highly focused brain state that's conducive to manifesting. They work because when the brain is highly relaxed, the subconscious mind is much more receptive to the suggestions and imagery you're implanting in it. And when you change your subconscious beliefs and expectations, your physical reality will change to match it.

However, isochronic tones aren't perfect.

Disadvantages of Isochronic Tones

For one thing, isochronic tones are a relatively new technology compared to binaural beats. As such they aren't as widely available, so there's not as much of a choice of isochronic manifestation recordings available.

Isochronic tones also have a distinctive sound, and unlike binaural beats they must remain audible in order to be effective. This means that they can't be completely mastered by music, pink noise or other sounds. This isn't necessarily a problem, but if you're one of the people who found the sound of raw isochronic beats unpleasant, then isochronic meditation might not be for you.

Like other forms of brainwave entrainment, isochronic tones shouldn't be used by people who are prone to seizures, and anybody who has health issues is advised to check with their doctor before using isochronics. If you do have health problems which make use of brainwave entrainment inadvisable, it's best to stick with traditional methods.

On the whole however, I think isochronic tones are very powerful aid for almost anybody who wants to manifest their life exactly they want it. They help you to bring your thoughts under control in a very focused way, which is an invaluable skill to have if you want to create your reality from the inside out.


Source by Loren Mann