
Let's face facts – even with the most state of the art computer components making up your computer system, it's all for nothing without some means of viewing those high resolution graphics and rapidly presented calculations. Sure, you'd have your data at your fingertips – but no way to make it available for your eyes!

That's what makes a computer monitor such an essential part of your system of computer components.
Most computer systems come with a monitor already bundled into the package, but if you are committed to selecting each of the computer components you will use in your system, there are a few things you will need to know before selecting your monitor. Price will actually be one of your lesser concerns, as the price of monitor technology has dropped to very affordable levels over the last several years.

The first and most important decision you will need to make is whether you will choose a CRT or LCD monitor. The cathode ray tube monitor, or CRT, can be had for extremely low prices as it is an older technology. For those on a budget – and with room for it – a CRT monitor can be a perfectly satisfactory option. Liquid crystal display monitors, or LCDs, are those flatter, lighter monitors that you have no doubt seen in most offices and homes. Though they are more expensive, the LCDs are the choice of those who have little room in their computer area, and who want the best computer components that money can be.

When it comes to these computer components, size does matter. In general, there is little advantage in having a smaller monitor screen size – unless you are on a tight budget or operating in a tight space. Monitors can be found as large as 23 inches and greater. In addition, response time and contrast ratios are important considerations for many users – particularly those who intend to use their PC for gaming.


Source by Jeffrey Frasco