
Most of us are dependent on our connection to the internet. Many use it for social media and news, some of us use it for work, and all of us use it entertainment. Therefore, it's not only frustrating but can also be debilitating when previously high speed internet starts to falter. These tips will help assure efficient connections during all stages of the process, from set-up to troubleshooting.

1) Do in-depth research on company offers. There are many factors to consider when selecting the best plan, such as supported devices, users, and video streaming needs. An often overlooked concern is the size of a house. Larger houses with lots of walls or other obstructions will require a more powerful high speed internet service.

2) No matter how good the modem is a poor router can ruin everything. Invest in a good router with strong reviews in boosting ability and consistent connections to get the most out of high speed internet.

3) Sometimes the solution is so simple is seems improbable. Loose cables, collected dust, and overheating can all lead to poor connections. All technological equipment should be stored in a controlled, clean environment to keep the connection strong. A Wi-Fi booster can also help extend the range of the router.

4) Secure the network to stop nosy neighbors from hopping on the network and slowing it down. Most companies encourage private passwords when they install the high speed internet, but they can be set up after installation.

5) Clean up the browser, including history, cookies, and old tabs. None of these factors will greatly affect the speed, but the collection of information can build up and slow down the internet gradually.

6) The slowing down process is exacerbated when coupled with a virus or malware. Hopefully, a good antivirus program will make sure this is never a problem. Even then, it's important to install updates for the antivirus program as they become available, as viruses are constantly adapting too. To be safe, full computer scans with anti-malware programs can pinpoint suspicious programs and help the user remove them.

7) Upgrade the browser and choose the option that best suits current needs. Similar to previous tips, an upgraded and streamlined browser maximizes high speed internet processing. Most computers allow for multiple browsers to be installed, so testing each one with favorite programs and websites is a practical way to go about this. No matter the browser, only use the tools and plug-ins that are necessary, and uninstall ones that are simply taking up space.

8) Shut down the computer regularly. This gives the computer a break from running and will improve the overall functionality of the computer. This downtime allows for updates to install as well.

None of these tips are very expensive or time-consuming. The main issue people face is not doing research before making a choice. Even those who don't consider themselves technologically advanced can do research and ask professionals for their opinion. Throughout the process, be cautious and only download things that are from trusted companies.


Source by Andrew Stratton