
The importance of IT security for businesses cannot possibly be overstated, as it is essential that every organization takes steps to mitigate the risks. When it comes to IT security, knowing the three major categories will help you make better choices about implementation. A solid understanding of the different types of IT security will provide you with peace of mind, and will help you decide which aspects of IT security you might need to improve.

Physical Device Security

The type of security that can give you the biggest headache is ironically the easiest to avoid. When it comes to things like laptops, tablets, phones, and flash drives, practice due diligence by keeping these items turned off when not in use. Do not simply put them in “sleep” or “hibernation” modes. Ensure that any device that can be password-protected is password-protected. Your electronics are a big part of your life, treat them that way. Do not pack them in checked luggage; carry them close at all times. When using them in public always keep them in sight and never leave them unattended, even for a short period of time.

Network Security

Do not click “Remind me later” on your antivirus software, especially before a trip. Update your software and perform regular maintenance to ensure your network remains secure. Just as it's best to assume other drivers are unsafe in traffic, imagine any network that is not your own is insecure. This includes those in cafés, hotels, and libraries. Public internet access is filled with viruses, malware and hackers trying to steal your confidential information and wreak havoc on your device or network. Always make sure your security software is up to date and functional to protect you from potential cyber threats.

Data Security

Passwords are your best friend when it comes to security. Make sure you invest time in creating thorough passwords for all your devices. Avoid accessing bank accounts or financial institutions of any kind when you are not on your own secure network. As a rule, regularly back up your data, especially if you will be out and about. Cloud backup is a great option if you need to access your information while you're on the go. In addition to password protection, encryption is also a useful tool in protecting your data.

IT security is critical to all your business endeavors. Getting into the habit of basic protection will allow you to avoid costly and time-consuming damage to your devices and network which in-turn allows you to focus on your goals.


Source by Richard F Hermann