
Even if you buy the best model of computer available in the market, it may not be possible to avoid computer repairs altogether. But it will definitely be possible to reduce repairs if you can follow the simple rules of computer maintenance correctly.

A very easy to follow computer maintenance rule is running a routine virus scan. The anti virus program can be set to do the scanning daily or weekly as the user chooses. It is also important to update the program regularly to keep pace with the malicious codes that are trying to keep ahead of these counteracting programs. Most of the virus removal software is today set to receive updates at regular intervals.

Almost all anti virus programs can block malware that have identifiable signatures. Some anti virus programs will also have added features that can further reduce the need for computer repairs. Some will help the user to detect whether a site is safe enough to be visited, or a program is safe enough to be installed. Some anti virus programs will identify even malware that does not have a known signature. They are able to identify it by the way the program is acting. There are many web sites that provide comparison charts of anti virus programs to enable the user to choose the one he needs.

Regular cleaning of the registry will also help in computer maintenance, and in limiting the number of computer repairs. While those who have sound knowledge of computer technology may be able to manage this even manually, for the others registry cleaning software is available that will take care of routine cleaning. It will do the scanning of the registry, will repair the damaged files, and remove the unwanted ones. Users should ideally choose a registry cleaning software that is user friendly and for which steady customer support is available.

Data proofing by backing up data to an external hard drive is also a part of computer maintenance. When data is secure, it is less risky to run various cleanup programs. Further, outside storage devices are a better place for files that occupy lots of space and are not required for daily use. The data will remain safe and the process will free space within the computer.

Freeing disk space, both by using external storage devices, and also by deleting unnecessary files and programs, is also important in computer maintenance. External drives that are fireproof and water proof are available in the market. There are also online storage services that provide space for saving data online. This is a very handy system since users can access files stored on storage web sites from anywhere in the world. There is not even the bother of carrying a CD or an external drive along.

Programs that do automatic driver updates are also suggested for easy computer maintenance. As drivers are crucial for the synchronized action of both the hardware and software components of a computer, it is important that they are at their performance best and are kept updated. The driver update program will scan the system, identify the drivers that are becoming out of date, and will generate the necessary downloads. There are plenty of tools that can effectively minimize computer repairs.


Source by Sunil Punjabi