
Proxies allow you to surf the internet with a high level of privacy, anonymity and security. When you access a website from the proxy server site, information such as your browser type, location, operating system and IP address are effectively eliminated and the proxy server website is recorded as the accessor instead of your computer. This helps you maintain the privacy, security and anonymity you desire, as it facilitates web browsing without your information being identified and bypasses network filters and firewalls.

These proxies allow you to access any website without revealing your personal information, surf, download games and news, access online social networking websites and shopping sites, share videos, music, chat and much more.

On the web, there are a several websites which offer custom designed proxy templates, wherein you can make your own proxies using the proxy templates provided by them. They provide the required tools to design your own proxy websites in the form of downloadable zip files which comprise of all necessary files to make your own site. The zip folder consists of graphic files, images, fonts, Photoshop files and the script files. Also, in order to avoid any misuse, a config.php is attached which allows you to customize your website and design it your own ways.

These pre-designed proxy templates are simple and easy to use and can be downloaded from the host website for free. Some of these websites might ask you to link back to their websites, in order to be able to use the templates. PHP and CGI proxy templates should be fully up to date with the current version and are updated regularly in regards to any technological advances.

These free proxy templates can also be edited at a later point of time and the latest versions can be implemented into them to make them compete with the latest technology. When you make your website, the configuration files attached in the downloaded folder let you design your own site and edit the titles, Meta tags, keywords or any other text by altering the configuration file.

The development of proxy servers has overcome the technical barriers of not being able to access websites from restricted locations. Proxy servers not only enable you to access desired websites but also protect your computer from virus, spyware and any other malicious script. When creating your own proxy website using these downloaded free proxy templates; you may also wish to add the proxy template download link of the host website.


Source by Naren Verma