
Autoblogging is a common practice today for most internet marketers from novices to masters.

However not every one is doing it properly. If you tried to make an autoblog and later found yourself being banned from Google index or other search engines, you know you did something wrong. Not only that but you can even risk your AdSense account from being banned, for just an autoblog.

And yet you wonder why there are a lot of other autoblogs out there that still perform well on search engines. You know this because you have encountered a lot of competition websites in your niche and when you visit those websites, you immediately see they are nothing more than autoblogs.

So how to create an autoblog, that won't be banned from search engines and that will have fresh content about your niche everyday?

First of all you should have the rights tools to do it. Using WordPress as the CMS for your website is the right choice. Google loves WordPress blogs, which delivers plenty of fresh content every day.

Another thing Google supposedly loves, is original content. This is partially true. Let me explain this one. Have you seen all those lyrics websites? They all have the same lyrics for a certain song, and all perform well on Google and none of them is ever banned from index. So, the 3 things Google loves are; fresh content everyday, not duplicate content and lastly an optimized CMS for better crawling and indexing (WordPress works fine for this purpose).

So what you need is a software to make posts on you blog automatically and to add some unique content. You don't need to be a PHP programmer, all you need is a user-friendly software that does it. Let me introduce you to WP turbo.

WP Turbo is a plugin for WordPress that makes all what we discussed earlier possible. There are a lot of possibilities for affiliate marketers, which we will not discuss here. Lets take a look from a SEO viewpoint.

Using WP turbo you will get hundreds of posts from different sources, using public API. The best part is that you can mix these sources in a way that the content of each post seems unique. No problem with the duplicate content issue.

If you want to create a blog about Jennifer Lopez, you can make unique content using WP turbo. Lets say you create a campaign which takes automatically videos of JL from YouTube and posts them on certain periods of time. In additional you can add to the same posts some tweets about JL. All this is done automatically, you have to configure the plugin once and the posts are made automatically everyday, no hassle with twitter. Remember to mix as much sources as you can. About JL you can use other WP turbo modules to retrieve content from eBay, iTunes, Flickr, IMBD, Yahoo news etc. At the end you will have a blog about Jennifer Lopez which has “everything” about her; videos, news, photos, items to buy (like her songs) etc.

Remember you cannot get banned from Google just because you have a YouTube video in you blog, or a link that sends visitors to iTunes.

So now you can see the true potential of WP turbo. Using other plugins, that just make posts using RSS feed of another website is not recommended. Doing so, what you will have is just another copy of somebody's else website, and there is a good chance your website will get banned.

The great money out of autoblogs lies in the power of numbers. The more autoblogs you create, the greater the profit. Since setting up niche websites using WP Turbo takes just some minutes, building tens or hundreds of websites takes little effort.


Source by Marco De Galli