
Stay Tension-free with Managed Dedicated Hosting

If you are starting up a small business, finding a competitive edge in a Web 2.0 business environment should be on your agenda. The same applies to an already established business struggling to retain its presence in a faltering economy. Lack of IT resources also poses a big challenge. However, since it is now possible to outsource your IT requirements by approaching a web hosting company, that's one less thing to worry about.

Many dedicated web hosting providers offer additional packages that allow their clients to be more at ease. They perform a number of tasks on their client's behalf, such as server administration, security and other tasks related to hardware and software. Simply put, managed dedicated hosting is an advanced form of dedicated hosting where server management is taken care of by the web hosting provider.

Managed Dedicated Hosting: Server Choices

It does not make sense for small and medium sized businesses to buy their own servers, unless they are engaged in offering application hosting. They will have to hire administrators to handle them which will add to their expenses. Advancements in technology also allow these businesses to hire servers that are owned by professional web hosting companies. These servers are located at a different geographical location.

Managed dedicated servers are dedicated servers that need full-time system administrators to handle them. One of the biggest advantages of using a managed dedicated server is that it offers more security than any other form of web hosting service. This type of server also increases productivity.

Managed Dedicated Hosting Service Packages

A professional web hosting company sets up a dedicated server for your website. The whole server space is specific to your website and is not shared with any other site. Managed dedicated hosting also offers your business to new levels of security, reliability and speed.

A typical service package would include the following (apart from server monitoring and recovery): 1.Software updates 2.Reboots 3.Operating system upgrades 4.Security patches 5.Managed firewalls and load balancers 6.Managed backup for optimum flexibility 7.Application hosting for databases, Microsoft Exchange and SharePoint, Lotus Domino, CRM solutions 8.Anti-spam and virus protection 9.Advanced configurations 10.Control panel software 11.Telephone-based support

Most providers have their own add-on tools for enhanced server administration that are also included in the package.

At 24shells we offer reliable managed dedicated hosting that can be completely customized to your requirements. Our highly trained IT engineers offer you pro-active monitoring and technical support 24/7 to ensure zero downtime.


Source by Melville Jackson