
Nowadays the two technologies that are in the limelight are plasma and LCD TVs. Though the two look similar yet they are two totally different machines. Before moving any further we would first discuss the primary difference between the two. The combination of different ionized gases is used to create plasma. These gases are stored in many phosphorus coated cells. The frequent charging and discharging of the cells with electricity produces pixels which enables us to view the picture on the screen. Unlike plasma TV, cells in LCD are made up of liquid crystals. The picture is created when fluorescent light meets the liquid crystals with the help of electric signals.

When discussing some common features between the two the plasma TV outweighs LCD, nevertheless when analyzing some others, the LCD takes the lead. So we need to see both corners of the table to decide which one we should go for.

Picture Quality

Although compared to previous TV technologies these two have an upper hand. However, the plasma picture quality is far better than the picture quality offered by LCD. This is due to the overwhelming contrast ratio of the plasma display that helps in producing true deep black color. The black color produced by the LCD is comparatively dull which causes problems in the darker scenes when it becomes difficult to differentiate between the actual black color and other colors present on the screen.

Viewing Angle

Imagine when you're not the only one sitting in the room; however, it is overflowing with spectators sitting all across the room in all directions. In these kinds of scenarios the viewing angle counts a lot. As the plasma demands high power, it really intensifies its pictures and that increase the visibility angle to be more than 170 degrees. On the other hand, LCD offers fewer viewing angles.

Power Consumption

Now in this area LCD is the dominating one. With its low power consumption, LCDs are ideal for their usage as monitors, personal TVs or in offices. This also makes it a better option for playing video games and stuff.


Plasmas have an average lifespan of 25,000 to 50,000 hours. LCDs have a lifespan of roundabout 60,000 hours.


Regarding malfunctioning, LCDs have had almost no complaints. Plasmas, on the other hand, have always been related to burn-in and black out issues. This is due to frequent charging and discharging of the coated cells. Although there have been drastic improvements regarding these problems there's room for improvement still yet.

So from the above facts and figures it is quite evident that both have their pros and cons, however it is you who has to make the move.


Source by Derric Goodwin