
There are many ways to get MLM leads. If you are in any kind of MLM or network marketing business right now, I am sure you have tried many different ways of generating leads.

Unfortunately the majority of MLM companies still teach their distributors the traditional or old school methods to generate leads. While these methods do work they are very inefficient and ineffective, hence it will take a LONG time to see any kind of results.

Ok, enough about that, I am here to show you that there are easier and more productive ways to let leads and distributors for your opportunity by leveraging the power of the World Wide Web.

What do you need to get MLM Leads?

  1. You need to have your own web site. I would personally go for a blog site in my personal name. Try to get your OWN NAME. If your name dot-com is not available, go for an alternative. For eg, who is, connect with, market with, learn from, your name blog, etc. use your imagination. Remember you are branding yourself, not your MLM Company.
  2. Get your own hosting. This is important because if you rely on free sites like blogger, they can shut your site down any time. The hosing is very inexpensive & you can get good hosing packages from places like hostgator or bluehost. I am sure there may be other hosting providers, do your own research. I use Hostgator & found them to be reliable with great customer service.
  3. You need your own email marketing system to collect the details of your leads. I cannot stress the importance of this, because as you have probably heard the fortune is in the follow-up. So, you need a reliable system to follow your leads with your autoresponders. There are many email marketing systems out there like Get Response, Aweber. I personally use Aweber, but I have heard great things about Get Response too. End of the day it is your choice, do your research keeping in mind the email deliverability is the key with any email marketing system.
  4. Marketing education. As would have heard before, MLM is about marketing. Some one said that it is an abbreviation for Must Learn Marketing, which I agree one hundred percent. There are many ways you can do online marketing and tell you the truth it is overwhelming. For ex; video marketing, social media marketing, pay-per-click, free classifieds, paid classifieds, articles, forums, banners, ad swaps, & the list go on. The best advice I will give you is to find out a couple marketing methods that you can do easily, according to your budget and expertise. Select one and learn it & implement it. Once you start to get leads start adding other methods.
  5. Find a system that will help you with your marketing education and lead generation. There are marketing education programs that teach you like “university” level marketing training. While these programs are very good, you don't need a degree level marketing education in order to generate leads to your MLM business. These programs are overwhelming to majority of marketers & end up being training junkies. Anyway, do your research, keep an open mind & do a test drive before you join.
  6. Find a mentor who can help you with the areas you need assistance with. Your sponsor in your primary opportunity is one of them. If you want to stand out and create massive success, you may need to look for other people in the industry who are willing to help you.
  7. Take massive ACTION

Finally, you need to be aware that getting all these in place will take some time, but once you are ready and start taking action, there is no stopping to the flow of MLM leads.


Source by Damayanthi Jayasinghe