
Besides giving you a review of Fluenz Spanish, today I will also take this opportunity to give you some other learning Spanish software reviews. I have chosen to review Fluenz because countless subscribers to my learning Spanish products reviews newsletter have asked what do I think of Fluenz.

Fluenz Software

Fluenz is one of the top software programs for learning a foreign language. The product or software is not limited to the Spanish language. They also have software programs that teach French, Italian, German and Mandarin.

With the Spanish program, you will learn a tremendous amount of practical Spanish words and phrases that you can certainly put to use when you take your next trip to Latin America or Spain. You will know just what to say when speaking at the hotel, restaurant or airport.

Verbarrator Software

The Verbarrator is a must-have piece of software for learning how to conjugate well over 500 Spanish verbs in every tense possible. It is absolutely impossible to speak Spanish fluently or even with confidence if you do not have a solid grasp of the verbs. The Verbarrator is the one tool that will help you in this area while sharpening your pronunciation at the same time. They also offer a free demo on their site.

Visual Link

This Visual Link method is also a very good way to learn for anyone who likes to learn a foreign language with pictures or graphics. Visual Link is another company that provides many courses in lots of different foreign languages so that you can learn how to speak many different languages using the same method if you like the Visual link method.


Source by Anna Rivera