
Business process management is a way to manage the organization according to client requirements. It is a well defined process in which there are so many steps involved during the project or business workflow. Business Process Management (BPM) is used to control and continuous flow of the business.

There are so many difficulties face by the organization during theses days for maintaining their large enterprise business. The complex process during the flow of project and try to cover all the aspects of client need with the best process is primary concern of any business. There are some good products and technology available in the enterprise market for maintaining the business. One of the products name is Liquid Office (LiquidOffice). The Liquid Office (LiquidOffice) redefines BPM with the real time access. It helps to connecting people with the information and process, regardless of location.

Liquid Office made according to current business process management requirements. It contains some exciting features which play an important role in BPM. Some features are given below:

eForms: eForms (Electronic forms) is a web based powerful software solution for creating, deploying and automatically managing the routing, tracking and approval processes.

Mobile Support: This feature helps to mobile user which can manages the business process when he/she will be in flight or any journey and also find the real time data through their mobile device.

Outlook Integration: it easily integrate with the Microsoft outlook and allowing user to see all the activity sent item, inbox, saved items, work assigned and more with the help of single Liquid Office folder.

Dynamic Forms: It allows users dynamically add or delete rows in a table for the forms. With the help of this user can expand or contract according to the need.

Paper Automation: This feature is ability to easily capture paper forms and document and connect them into live processes.

Barcode Management: Easily generate 1D and 2D barcode on the forms and connect this barcode to the field data. It helps to the users which fill that form and after submitting through online or faxed/scanned this form it easily understands by the Liquid office.

There are so many other features involve in liquid office which help to business process management and document management workflow.


Source by Peter Disuja